It's been a while since I've worked on the site. Honestly, it was a lower urgency than the other projects I've been involved in. I'm not sure I would have tried to post anything tonight, but I had a few moments and my chromebook handy. While I haven't been writing a lot here, I've been doing a good bit of thinking …
Read MoreSo this is officially my first post using my chromebook, which I'm excited about. For starters, I use this machine to journal on quite a bit, so it's a typing experience that I'm very used to. Second, this gives me the opportunity to move around some and post from different places. I won't be as capable, but I can …
Read MoreSo, earlier this week, I got invited to join in the github codespaces beta. This is a pretty neat idea. It leverages a feature in vs code where you can develop in a container and since vs code is written in electron (javascript), it creates a container hosted at github where you can code directly in your browser! What …
Read MoreI'm trying to decide how to tackle something. I'm starting to consider how to handle some of the less "practical" concepts of the site, but that are probably more important to exactly how I tackle life on a day to day basis, but trying to consider them as separate ideas but in a cohesive work is a little …
Read MoreI already made a mistake. On Monday, just after my post about building out, I started right away building out my next thing- which was to create a tandem blog post and work on my notes about Markdown. I had this grand idea where I would put the argument for the note in a blog post, but put the relevant bits in the note …
Read MoreToday, I'm trying to make some good strides with the site. The last major design hurdle I really wanted to accomplish before really focusing on building content was to get a layout for each note page. Really, it just needs to more or less be a blog post, but there may be some basic edits I want to make. It looks like I …
Read MoreSo, I'm getting this dialed in a bit more. I noticed after I posted the site a few days ago that my notes were showing up in the navigation, which wasn't intended. After a bit of research, I discovered the issue had to do with the version of the Minima and Jekyll that was being loaded locally on my machine vs what …
Read MoreSo, I'm slowly building things out. I'm at the early stages of building out this idea, but I like so far where I'm going. The idea is to build off something I started not too long after college. I had this idea to take a notebook and to copy things I really wanted to know and have handy. This was pre-smartphone, so in …
Read MoreYou’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated. Jekyll requires blog post …
Read MoreSo, if you are reading this, I'm in the process of a change. Not too long ago, I realized that I had put too much of a barrier into my blog. Where I have been writing daily in other places ( primarily), I haven't posted on this site in a while. Also, there have been updates to jupyter book since I first built …
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