Show Your Work - 3
Maybe the 3rd time is the charm. I'm still creating too much structure on my notes. I think it's that I'm worried something is going to come along and upend the structure, but honestly I just need to start trusting it. Also, I realized that my first note, that was going to be about the human condition, should probably just be a tag, if it's even useful. It's going to be fine.
I made more progress on Show Your Work. I think it was a good book to pick up for this time of year. Given it's a time for new beginnings and such, a little creative inspiration is welcome. I really appreciate one of the themes in the book - the benefits of sharing and teaching. This year was difficult for me, and I am spending a lot more time considering my own mortality. My hope with this project is that maybe I can figure something out that makes it a little easier for the next person on my same path. I'm not sure if my work will be good enough to be worth something in the future, but at least making the effort to put something out gives it a chance. I do know that it will take a commitment to time. I want to be exicted for the future and use that to fuel my progress, but I realize it's going to take more than that. To do the work, I'm going to need an itch on a life changing scale to drive me. I think that's why I'm worrying about starting right- I need the excitement for the project to build along with the content.
I started to think about what I might want to read next. I haven't fully decided, but I think I'll probably try to knock out another one of the books I already have on hand. Maybe this next one will lead to some more notes. At this point, which I like Show Your Work, it's not really giving me anything eye-opening. If anything, I find it afirming, but telling me what I know and not giving me a ton of references either doesn't give me a lot to put in my system.
I guess most people are ready for a new year. I'm as ready for change as anyone, but I'm still not sure it's going to happen on the scale yet that people hope and dream. With everything going wrong, I think people are still too scared for anything worthwhile to happen. I'd love to be surprised otherwise. At this point, I'm going to take the stance I usually do- hope for the best, prep for the realistic.