Limitless Mind 1
I'm not sure this book so far is quite what I expected, but I think that's a good thing. After stumbling on the prior book, this one is much more in the vein of what I needed. The book seems pretty well researched with lots of citations from some studies and authors I'm familiar with, so it seems like a better fit for me.
There are elements of this book I find myself agreeing with, almost too readily which I'm a little concerned with, but that's part of the journey I'm on- to figure out my biases and such.
I like this because it contrasts really well to some of the ideas raised by Smart Notes. There are some things, such as Willpower, that you only have a limited amount of and shouldn't squander. But according to this book, you learn best by struggling with something and the ability to struggle is a good thing to develop, so these concepts are somewhat at odds with each other. I think it will be interesting to dig into the sources from each book and get into the details.
I think it's this type of thing that this new system is designed to help uncover and struggle with. I mean, otherwise I would read the 2 books and not really think about how they are at odds with one another, happily ignoring the disagreement. But in struggling with it, I should get a better understanding of both and hopefully will codify more into my working knowledge and use them to build out my mental models in a better way.
I didn't quite get anything done with my permanent notes today. More that it's later than I planned on being up tonight, but I really wanted to get something down on the site while I was thinking about it.
Tomorrow is another day :)